Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's not rocket science...

but it sure feels like it sometimes. Especially when you're standing at the fridge at 8:00 at night staring at leftover birthday cake.

You can arm yourself with all the things you're suppose to remind yourself, but when it comes down to standing there and deciding if you will eat the cake or not...let's just say it feels like rocket science.

It's like training for a's mainly mental. We have to talk ourselves into getting out there and running, again. We have to talk ourselves into getting off our butts to go workout. We have to talk ourselves into NOT eating that leftover birthday cake. This exercise and healthy eating lifestyle is a mental thing most of the time.

I don't have the mental energy to talk myself out of eating that leftover birthday cake. Do you know what the answer is? Throw it away. Do you know what I did instead? I ate it!!!! Oh well, I'll work it off in the morning :)

The good news is that I find that my mental strength is increasing. Does that mean that I would temp myself with a Coke and chocolate...NO! But I do find that I want to eat healthier more often and I want to get out of bed at 4:45am to workout more often.

So hang in there...maybe the mental part gets easier. Workout hard!

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