Monday, November 3, 2008

I was sick this weekend

I had the chills, aches, headache, stuffy/runny nose yuck this weekend. Through it all I still had to be a wife and mom, and I still had to teach fitness classes. I felt awful when I'd get to class, but by the end of the class the endorphins had kicked in and I felt great...for a few hours.

I decided that I better take it easy on Sunday, so I sent everyone off to church and I slept for 4 hours!!! It was awesome...I like NyQuil :) By Sunday night I was feeling great and I think that the fact that I am in the best physical shape I've ever been in has a lot to do with it. Would it have taken longer to get better if I wasn't physically active and healthy...I don't know. I do think that it helped to have somewhere to be that required that I be physically active. I knew I had to teach/exercise and so I took care of myself so that I could get back to work and feed my exercise addiction.

I do think it helped me feel better faster, but I don't know if it's because my physical body was better able to heal or if it was because I really wanted to get back to exercising.

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