Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Amazing Race

Yesterday was our 10K, but it was more then just a 10K road race. It was a 10K cross country race and it was a blast! Let me give you a little bit of information about this race...

It is the largest cross country race in the country.

It is also held in November in the Midwest. That means that is was in low 30's at the beginning of the race and by the end of the race it was even colder, windy and snowing.

We ran through corn fields, woods and through creeks...yes, through creeks. Thigh high water in the 30 degrees weather. Then you had to climb up the muddy embankment on the other side of the creek. It was AWESOME!!!!

This was the third time that I've run this race with my husband, but this time was a little different. This time we took a group of ten instructors and clients. None of them had ever done this race before and they did excellent! I am so proud of all of them. This was a hard race, but they all stuck with it and finished. I'll never forget this was a blast.

This is my favorite race...and that's saying something because I don't like the cold. Why is this my favorite race? #1: I get to race with my husband and have a good time. #2: Where else can you see a grown man wearing only a loin cloth? Or people running in footie PJ's. Or grown men dressed in diapers and baby bonnets? Did I mention that people dress up for this race. #3: It's not really a competitive race. With 7500 runners, there are bond to be bottle necks...especially when crossing a creek. Because it's not competitive, it's more of a community run. You talk to the people around you and you help each other climb those muddy embankments.

This year was even better because of running with the other instructors and clients. I enjoyed watching their faces when they jumped into that first creek and I loved seeing their faces when they finished. Most of these people, including Hubby and I, didn't train very much (there was one client who trained and did great). Even though they didn't train, they came to classes and worked out hard. They were all different age groups and some have lost lots of weight in the past year. They've come a long way to be able to do this race. I ask one of my clients, as he was running into the finish shoot, "Did you think you could do this six months ago?". He responded, "I didn't even think I could do this three months ago". I said, "Look how far you've come. You've lost 50 pounds and your finishing your first cross country race". The look on his face was priceless...this is why I do what I do.

Thanks to all of you for running with me and making it a very memorable race. You guys rock and I can't wait to do it again next year. Workout hard!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm sore!!!

I feel like I did when I first started working out. Every muscle from my waist to my knees is killing me!

Five out of six of us in my family had the stomach flu last week...I really dislike throw up. It wasn't that long, maybe 12 hours, but it really messes with you. I'm still trying to get my energy level back and my strength seems to be zapped pretty good. I am ready to be back to normal. I don't like walking around like an old lady and having to groan every time I get up from the floor or have to use the toilet.

There is some muscle soreness I like. I really like when my core is sore...I know, I'm sick. When my core is sore, it gives me more awareness of my posture and my I'm carrying myself. I even like when my butt and hamstrings hurt a little, it makes me feel like I'm firming that backside.

This soreness, however, is ridiculous and I'm ready for it to go away. I always tell my clients to keep working through it, and that's what I'm doing. I feel fine while I'm's the afterwards that really sucks!

Friday, November 14, 2008

How to get started

I'm all about finding something that works for you. If it doesn't work into your schedule, your family, your interests, then it usually won't work. This is especially true for working out, because when it comes to working out, we'll find any excuse we can to not do it.

The first thing you have to do is decide what works for your schedule and your family...when do you have time to workout? This doesn't mean, when do you "want" to work, when do you have time. I only have time to work out at 5:45 in the morning. Did I "want" to work out at that, but that was the only time that I had and worked best for my family. By the way, I'm now addicted to early morning exercising and don't like starting my day without it.

Next, find something to do that is fun and of interest to you. That means that you have to decide what you think is fun and something you will like. To do that, you have to go try some different forms of exercise. Do you like group fitness classes or working out on your own? Do you like working out on machines or having someone show you the moves? There are more questions that we can ask that will help you get started, but you get the point.

Answer these questions, without the excuses, and lets get started!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanksgiving is coming!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we've been talking to our clients a lot about making healthy food choices. As my fellow instructor T says, "There will be lots more Thanksgivings to eat some of that "good" stuff". We don't want our clients to ruin everything they've worked so hard for.

I came across an article in the paper this weekend that says that the traditional plate at Thanksgiving, plus pumpkin pie for dessert, adds up to 1,211 calories -- and almost 52 grams of fat. It goes on to say, that with snacking and seconds, that total could be at least 3,000 calories!!!!!

So, let's say there is a 150 pound women. Her daily caloric need would be 1568 kcal per day. Here is the calculation: 150/2.2 = 68.18 kg (body weight) * 23 = 1568 kcal per day. If this women eats the typical 3,000 calories during Thanksgiving, that's almost double her daily caloric need! Do you know what happens to those extra calories we eat...FAT!!

Let's look at it another way...1 pound of body fat has 3,500 calories. That means that if this woman eats the typical 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving, then she could potentially gain about 1/2 a pound. That's only one meal! What about breakfast? What about if you are eating at two different locations...lunch and dinner? What about the beverages you consume that day?

When someone wants to lose weight, we tell them that they need to decrease their caloric intake and increase their energy expenditure, so that the total calorie reduction is around 500 calories a day. If you do this for 7 days, then you will lose 1 pound a week (3500 calories). This is a safe amount to lose.

Think of how much harder you just made it to lose weight, when you've just gained a 1/2 pound in one day!

Something to think about :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Great Carrot Battle of '08

Everyday at lunch I try to make sure that my 4 children eat a well rounded lunch. I usually try to include a protein, a carb, veggies and fruit. If that goes well, then they can have a piece of gum or candy after lunch.

For the veggie, I almost always serve raw baby carrots...they are easy and very good for them. All of my children, except my oldest, will eat the carrots without saying a word. My oldest, on the other hand, usually rolls his eyes and says something like, "not carrots". Then he proceeds to search through the bag for the two smallest baby carrots he can find.

The other day he was really having a hard time getting the carrots down. The other children had already eaten their lunches, had their pieces of candy and were off playing. I was standing there watching him try and choke down this carrot, all the while laughing on the inside. I was laughing because I was thinking, "kid, is it really that big of a deal to eat that measly little carrot". Then it dawned on many times have I thrown a fit that I really didn't want to eat that healthy food, I'd rather have something "good". The only difference is I don't have someone standing over my shoulder making me eat the healthy stuff.

We have a motto in our house. We tell the children, "we don't live to eat, we eat to live". The difference between these two things is that in the first one, the food is controlling us and in the second, we control the food. I think we need to start reminding ourselves who is in control when it comes to eating. When we "live to eat", we don't end up living to well or too long.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I was sick this weekend

I had the chills, aches, headache, stuffy/runny nose yuck this weekend. Through it all I still had to be a wife and mom, and I still had to teach fitness classes. I felt awful when I'd get to class, but by the end of the class the endorphins had kicked in and I felt great...for a few hours.

I decided that I better take it easy on Sunday, so I sent everyone off to church and I slept for 4 hours!!! It was awesome...I like NyQuil :) By Sunday night I was feeling great and I think that the fact that I am in the best physical shape I've ever been in has a lot to do with it. Would it have taken longer to get better if I wasn't physically active and healthy...I don't know. I do think that it helped to have somewhere to be that required that I be physically active. I knew I had to teach/exercise and so I took care of myself so that I could get back to work and feed my exercise addiction.

I do think it helped me feel better faster, but I don't know if it's because my physical body was better able to heal or if it was because I really wanted to get back to exercising.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The reason I do what I do

There are lots of things that motivate us to do what we do. The reason that I enjoy teaching fitness classes and the reason that I am so passionate about exercise and my students is this...I enjoy the look on other people's faces when they reach their goals.

Those goals can be...lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure, weight loss, smaller pants size, etc. Whatever the goal, I just love it when they get so excited and see that their hard work has paid off. I think I would probably teach for free (don't tell my boss), if I could just see those people's faces when they reach their goals.

In my short experience as an instructor and trainer, I've noticed something. The people who reach their goals are usually the people who have the most to lose...and I don't mean just weight. It could be that their blood pressure is through the roof, or their cholesterol is so high that they are a heart attack waiting to happen. Maybe it's that their weight has hindered their lifestyle so much that they can enjoy life anymore.

Why do we wait so long? Why do we wait until we have the most to lose? Do we have to be at that point before we'll do anything? I care about these people and it concerns me when I see more and more people waiting until a lifestyle change is their last resort.

I guess that along with rejoicing when people reach their goals, it also deeply upsets me when they don't.