Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mommy, look at my new exercise!

My kids are constantly making up new exercises. We'll be doing school or playing and all the sudden one of them will say, "Mommy, look at this new exercise". They'll even start telling me what muscles this new "exercise" is working.

I love it!! My kids are already little personal trainers and exercise enthusiasts!

One day I came down the stairs and found my oldest, then 6, "instructing" his two younger siblings on exercise...he was conducting his own fitness class. That's awesome!

I like that my kids are excited about exercising both their bodies and their brains. I like that my children are active children...we go outside and play, we run around the house and dance, we do exercise videos.

Does this have something to do with me...probably. I don't care who's fault it is...I just think it's great that they enjoy exercising. I love my kids and their creative exercises.

FYI...I'm writing a book of exercises my children have created. Just kidding :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's too cold!!!!

Fall has officially begun...and I don't like it. I am not a cold weather person, even though I've spent most of my life in the Midwest. I think I'm a southern girl at heart...I did live there for 3 years and loved it. I'm also a fair weather runner...60 degrees and above. Hubby's motto is 40 degrees and below. Another reason we can't run together...well, that and 4 kids :)

I would love to stay in bed on these cold mornings and cuddle up next to Hubby and sleep in...but I can't. If I didn't get up at 4:45 am and go to fitness classes, it would never get done. I'd keep telling myself that I'll do it later and then later, when the day is over, I would have done nothing. Do I like getting out of bed when it's dark and cold...no. Do I like not getting to sleep in, and by sleeping in I mean 7:00...no. Do I like having to find my way around in the dark so I don't wake anybody up and leaving the house while everyone else sleeps...no.

These really aren't the questions I need to be asking myself. The real questions I need to ask are...Do I like the way I feel after a workout...yes. Do I like that I have changed my body and look pretty good in my jeans...yes. Do I like that I am not depressed...yes. Do I like that my blood pressure is awesome and I have no health concerns...yes. Do I like the example I am setting for my children...yes. Do I like being in community with the other instructors and clients...yes. Do I like that I can go through the rest of my day knowing that I've already worked really hard...yes. Do I like that it's alright to occasionally eat that sweet treat...definitely yes.

The most painful part is the moment when the alarm goes off until I drag myself to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. If I can make it through those 30 feet, then the rest of my day/life is healthier. We can do this! We can make it to classes and we can get healthier. We just have to make it to the bathroom :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

I finally did it!!!! I started a blog...something my husband, and best friend, have been trying to get me to do for a while.

This is going to be a place where I can talk about my favorite subjects...exercise and healthy eating habits (with the occasional rabbit trail :))

Stay tuned...I'm sure I'll have something brilliant to say.