Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's not rocket science...

but it sure feels like it sometimes. Especially when you're standing at the fridge at 8:00 at night staring at leftover birthday cake.

You can arm yourself with all the things you're suppose to remind yourself, but when it comes down to standing there and deciding if you will eat the cake or not...let's just say it feels like rocket science.

It's like training for a's mainly mental. We have to talk ourselves into getting out there and running, again. We have to talk ourselves into getting off our butts to go workout. We have to talk ourselves into NOT eating that leftover birthday cake. This exercise and healthy eating lifestyle is a mental thing most of the time.

I don't have the mental energy to talk myself out of eating that leftover birthday cake. Do you know what the answer is? Throw it away. Do you know what I did instead? I ate it!!!! Oh well, I'll work it off in the morning :)

The good news is that I find that my mental strength is increasing. Does that mean that I would temp myself with a Coke and chocolate...NO! But I do find that I want to eat healthier more often and I want to get out of bed at 4:45am to workout more often.

So hang in there...maybe the mental part gets easier. Workout hard!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The little things do add up

My healthy eating habits started to diminish around Thanksgiving and where pretty much none existent by Christmas. So I decided to get back to those healthy eating habits. Not because I wanted to lose weight, but because I knew how much more enjoyable my life can be when I eat healthy.

At the beginning of the year I started over. I gave up Coca Cola...not Diet Coke...straight, fully loaded Coke. I was up to one can a day, more when I ate out, so this was a big deal for me to give up (check out my Admitting you have a problem post).

I also went back to eating lots of salads. For lunch I eat a huge salad and at dinner I have a salad followed by a smaller portion of the meal. Sometimes I just have a salad. I don't get bored because I keep different healthy dressing choices on hand. I also throw on different veggies, fish and nuts on top.

I also switched from my 10 oz glass of OJ every morning to a little bit of OJ before my morning class and an orange when I come home. Less calories in an orange and more fiber.

I drink a lot of water. I keep a 32 oz water bottle beside the fridge and I try very hard to make sure I drink two of them a day. I also drink 32 oz of water before, during and after my workout, which doesn't count toward my daily 64 oz of water. I am juicing vegetables again and drinking about 16 oz of carrot juice a day. All of that water keeps us hydrated and helps our body flush out the toxins.

All of these little things add up. Since implementing these changes I have so much energy and I don't crave sugar as much. I have also lost 5 pounds...this wasn't my goal, but a nice added benefit :) Most of all I like knowing that I'm eating good foods and being a good example for my children.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This will only hurt for a little while.

This time of year many people are starting new exercise programs. For many of them, this will be the first time in a long time that they have pushed their bodies to places that their bodies haven't gone before. We have a new group of clients coming through our 10 week program. For them, this week promises to be full of pain.

They are going to hurt in places that they didn't even know that they had. They will feel muscle aches that will make them want to curl up with a hot pad and a bottle of Ibuprofen.

I remember when I did our 10 week program. It was a Monday in April and I crawled out of bed at 4:30 am to go to class. The instructor kicked my butt (thanks T). The pain didn't start till later that afternoon. Then Tuesday evening I went to class in so much pain that I could barely walk. Now, I'm not a cussing girl but that night when the instructor said we were going to do more squats...a bit of profanity came out of my mouth and I really didn't like that instructor at that moment (sorry D).

My point is that it will only hurt for a little while. It's called DOMS...Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. After a few days the pain will start to subside and you will feel stronger and better able to sustain yourself during exercise sessions.

We just have to work through the pain, unless it's a sudden pain then stop immediately. The pain will go away and you will feel much better for having worked hard. Don't let the pain keep you from working out. Do you know what helps the pain? Working out! The pain will go away during your next workout, especially with proper stretching out and warming up. Now, that doesn't mean that the pain won't start again later, but it will eventually go away. Just keep in mind what you are working for...a healthier and stronger you. It will all be worth in the end.

Hang in there and workout hard!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Admitting you have a problem....

Isn't that the first step in dealing with an addiction? My name is JoyfullyFit and I'm addicted to sugar. I would rather have a Coca Cola then water (plus I'm a water snob...a whole other blog) and I would rather start my day with sugar then something good for me.

This addiction has become all the more evident this week. Christmas is upon us and I love to bake, especially during the holidays. I went to a Christmas party the other night and made these AWESOME truffles...not at all healthy. I thought I could make them for the party and that way I could eat a couple and enjoy them, but they wouldn't be sitting in my fridge all week. That brings me to my second addiction...chocolate!!!! Those two addictions, on top of very little will power, made for a bad situation when I returned home from the party with a lot of leftover truffles.

It's a good thing I exercise a lot because I think I had a truffle for breakfast many days this week. All of this coupled with the fact that I really want to bake.

I may have found the solution!

I enjoy sharing with others...especially food (unless it's my food and it's my husband that wants me to share). So here is what I'm doing this year. I'm making my usually treats for friends and neighbors, but this year I'm only making enough to give away and for my family to get to "sample" each treat. That way I get to combined my two favorite things (baking and giving) and indulge my addictions...a little.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Amazing Race

Yesterday was our 10K, but it was more then just a 10K road race. It was a 10K cross country race and it was a blast! Let me give you a little bit of information about this race...

It is the largest cross country race in the country.

It is also held in November in the Midwest. That means that is was in low 30's at the beginning of the race and by the end of the race it was even colder, windy and snowing.

We ran through corn fields, woods and through creeks...yes, through creeks. Thigh high water in the 30 degrees weather. Then you had to climb up the muddy embankment on the other side of the creek. It was AWESOME!!!!

This was the third time that I've run this race with my husband, but this time was a little different. This time we took a group of ten instructors and clients. None of them had ever done this race before and they did excellent! I am so proud of all of them. This was a hard race, but they all stuck with it and finished. I'll never forget this was a blast.

This is my favorite race...and that's saying something because I don't like the cold. Why is this my favorite race? #1: I get to race with my husband and have a good time. #2: Where else can you see a grown man wearing only a loin cloth? Or people running in footie PJ's. Or grown men dressed in diapers and baby bonnets? Did I mention that people dress up for this race. #3: It's not really a competitive race. With 7500 runners, there are bond to be bottle necks...especially when crossing a creek. Because it's not competitive, it's more of a community run. You talk to the people around you and you help each other climb those muddy embankments.

This year was even better because of running with the other instructors and clients. I enjoyed watching their faces when they jumped into that first creek and I loved seeing their faces when they finished. Most of these people, including Hubby and I, didn't train very much (there was one client who trained and did great). Even though they didn't train, they came to classes and worked out hard. They were all different age groups and some have lost lots of weight in the past year. They've come a long way to be able to do this race. I ask one of my clients, as he was running into the finish shoot, "Did you think you could do this six months ago?". He responded, "I didn't even think I could do this three months ago". I said, "Look how far you've come. You've lost 50 pounds and your finishing your first cross country race". The look on his face was priceless...this is why I do what I do.

Thanks to all of you for running with me and making it a very memorable race. You guys rock and I can't wait to do it again next year. Workout hard!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm sore!!!

I feel like I did when I first started working out. Every muscle from my waist to my knees is killing me!

Five out of six of us in my family had the stomach flu last week...I really dislike throw up. It wasn't that long, maybe 12 hours, but it really messes with you. I'm still trying to get my energy level back and my strength seems to be zapped pretty good. I am ready to be back to normal. I don't like walking around like an old lady and having to groan every time I get up from the floor or have to use the toilet.

There is some muscle soreness I like. I really like when my core is sore...I know, I'm sick. When my core is sore, it gives me more awareness of my posture and my I'm carrying myself. I even like when my butt and hamstrings hurt a little, it makes me feel like I'm firming that backside.

This soreness, however, is ridiculous and I'm ready for it to go away. I always tell my clients to keep working through it, and that's what I'm doing. I feel fine while I'm's the afterwards that really sucks!

Friday, November 14, 2008

How to get started

I'm all about finding something that works for you. If it doesn't work into your schedule, your family, your interests, then it usually won't work. This is especially true for working out, because when it comes to working out, we'll find any excuse we can to not do it.

The first thing you have to do is decide what works for your schedule and your family...when do you have time to workout? This doesn't mean, when do you "want" to work, when do you have time. I only have time to work out at 5:45 in the morning. Did I "want" to work out at that, but that was the only time that I had and worked best for my family. By the way, I'm now addicted to early morning exercising and don't like starting my day without it.

Next, find something to do that is fun and of interest to you. That means that you have to decide what you think is fun and something you will like. To do that, you have to go try some different forms of exercise. Do you like group fitness classes or working out on your own? Do you like working out on machines or having someone show you the moves? There are more questions that we can ask that will help you get started, but you get the point.

Answer these questions, without the excuses, and lets get started!!